
CRUD Customization Features

The Sonata Extra Bundle offers flexible tools to customize your Sonata CRUD interface. From toggling block titles to embedding custom buttons and search areas, these features enhance both the UI and UX of the Sonata Admin.

Configuration of Show and Edit Views

Overriding Default Templates

To utilize the customization features, set your Admin class to use Sonata Extra Bundle templates:

class MyAdmin extends AbstractAdmin
  public function configure(): void
      'edit' => '@PartitechSonataExtra/Admin/CRUD/edit.html.twig',
      'list' => '@PartitechSonataExtra/Admin/CRUD/list.html.twig',
      'show' => '@PartitechSonataExtra/Admin/CRUD/show.html.twig',

Customizing Block Titles and Borders

You can hide block titles, remove the border, or add custom buttons in the show and edit views.

Field Group Configuration

When configuring field groups, use the following parameters:

  • show_header: Toggles the title bar.
  • show_header_border: Toggles the border around the block.
  • header_btn: An array of buttons to display on the right side of the title.
->with('block1', [
  'class' => 'col-md-8',
  'label' => 'first block',
  'show_header' => true,        // true|false
  'show_header_border' => true, // true|false
  'header_btn' => [
    'url' => '//',
    'target' => '_blank',
    'class' => 'btn-danger',
    'label' => 'Google',
    'icon' => 'fa-plus-circle',
    'url' => '//',
    'target' => '_blank',
    'class' => 'btn-success',
    'label' => 'Facebook',
    'icon' => 'fa-plus-circle',
    'confirm' => 'Are you sure ?' // optional: displays a modal confirmation

Adding a Search List Box

Include a search_list array in the field group configuration. The user’s input is appended to the target URL for dynamic filtering.

$url_note_list = $admin->generateUrl('Partitech\SonataCrm\Admin\NoteAdmin.list', ['id' => $id]);

$showMapper->with('block_notes', [
  'class' => 'col-md-12',
  'label' => 'sonata-crm.account.block_notes',
  'search_list' => [
    'label' => 'Rechercher',
    'class' => 'btn-info',
    'icon' => 'fa-search',
    'list' => [
        'url' => $url_note_list . '?filter[subject][value]=',
        'target' => '_self',
        'class' => '',
        'label' => 'sonata-crm.note.subject'
        'url' => $url_note_list . '?filter[location][value]=',
        'target' => '_self',
        'class' => '',
        'label' => 'sonata-crm.note.location'
        'url' => $url_note_list . '?filter[description][value]=',
        'target' => '_self',
        'class' => '',
        'label' => 'sonata-crm.note.description'

For the search functionality to work, filters must be defined in the corresponding Sonata Admin class.

Customizing Navigation Bar Buttons

Use configureTabMenu to change the class and icon of top navigation buttons.

protected function configureTabMenu(MenuItemInterface $menu, string $action, AdminInterface $childAdmin = null): void
    if (!$childAdmin && !in_array($action, ['edit', 'show'])) {

    $admin = $this->isChild() ? $this->getParent() : $this;
    $id = $admin->getRequest()->get('id');

    if (!$childAdmin && in_array($action, ['edit', 'show'])) {
        $contacts = $menu->addChild('Contacts', $admin->generateMenuUrl(
            current($this->getChildren())->getCode() . '.list', ['id' => $id]
            'btn_class' => ('edit' === $action) ? 'btn-warning' : 'btn-info',
            'btn_icon'  => 'fa-edit',

Displaying Raw HTML Fields

When using a WYSIWYG editor (e.g., CKEditor), you may want to display the rendered HTML in show mode. Sonata Extra Bundle provides a dedicated template:

protected function configureShowFields(ShowMapper $showMapper): void
  ->add('ckeditor_field', null, [
    'label' => 'Field that display HTML',
    'template' => '@PartitechSonataExtra/Admin/CRUD/show_field_html.html.twig',

This template ensures your HTML field is displayed unescaped (i.e., rendered rather than plain text).

Appending or Prepending Templates to Page Content

You can insert custom templates before or after the content header. This is especially useful for nested interfaces where parent information should be displayed in child views.

Template Slots:

  • show_prepend_page_content_header_template
  • list_prepend_page_content_header_template
  • edit_prepend_page_content_header_template
  • show_append_page_content_header_template
  • list_append_page_content_header_template
  • edit_append_page_content_header_template

Configure them in your Admin class:

class YourAdmin extends AbstractAdmin
  public function configure(): void
      'edit'  => '@PartitechSonataExtra/Admin/CRUD/edit.html.twig',
      'list'  => '@PartitechSonataExtra/Admin/CRUD/list.html.twig',
      'show'  => '@PartitechSonataExtra/Admin/CRUD/show.html.twig',
      'show_append_page_content_header_template' => '@PartitechSonataCrm/Account/extra_header.html.twig',
      'list_append_page_content_header_template' => '@PartitechSonataCrm/Account/extra_header.html.twig',
      'edit_append_page_content_header_template' => '@PartitechSonataCrm/Account/extra_header.html.twig',

Example Twig Template:

{% if admin.isChild() and admin.parent is defined and admin.parent %}
{% set parent_class = admin.parent|get_class %}
{% if parent_class == 'Partitech\\SonataCrm\\Admin\\AccountAdmin' and admin.parent.subject is not null %}
{% set object = admin.parent.subject %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}

{% if object is defined %}
<section class="invoice" style="margin: 3px 0;border-radius: 4px;">
    <div class="row">
        <div class="col-xs-12">
            <h2 class="page-header">
                <i class="fa fa-globe"></i> {{ }}
                <small class="pull-right">Updated: {{ object.dateModified|date('Y-m-d H:i:s') }}</small>
    <div class="row invoice-info">
        <div class="col-sm-4 invoice-col">
            <b>Phone</b>: {{ object.officePhone }}<br>
            <b>Website</b>: <a href="{{ }}" target="_blank">{{ }}</a><br>
        <div class="col-sm-4 invoice-col">
                {{ object.billingAddressStreet }}<br>
                {{ object.billingAddressPostalcode }} {{ object.billingAddressCity }} {{ object.billingAddressState }}<br>
                {{ object.billingAddressCountry }}
        <div class="col-sm-4 invoice-col">
            {{ object.description|raw }}
{% endif %}

Preserving Filters in List View

When overriding the list.html.twig template, you can enable a “preserve filters” feature. This retains the active filters and layout in the user’s session.

Steps to Activate

  1. Override the List Template:
public function configure(): void
    'list' => '@PartitechSonataExtra/Admin/CRUD/list.html.twig',
  1. Enable the Preserve Filter Option:
class YourAdmin extends AbstractAdmin
    public bool $preserveFilters = true;



These CRUD customization features in the Sonata Extra Bundle give you fine-grained control over how your entity fields, blocks, and navigation elements are displayed. By leveraging custom templates, search lists, and button configurations, you can craft a more intuitive and visually appealing Sonata Admin interface tailored to your project’s needs.