
Cookie Consent Block (GDPR)

The Cookie Consent Block is a customizable solution within the Sonata Extra Bundle to manage user consent for cookies in compliance with GDPR regulations. It offers a flexible, user-friendly interface for consent management.


This feature allows you to present a clear and concise cookie consent notice to your users. By integrating the Orejime library, the block can handle multiple types of scripts and services according to the user’s consent preferences.




Add the Cookie Consent Block to your Sonata Admin dashboard or any section of your application where you need to display a cookie consent prompt. Once configured, the block automatically handles user input, storing and respecting cookie preferences.



You can configure the Cookie Consent Block by adjusting the following options in your block configuration:

  • config_orejim
    JavaScript configuration for the Orejime consent management platform.
  • config_tags
    Custom script tags for analytics or other purposes, aligned with user consent.
  • template
    The Twig template path for rendering the cookie consent UI.
  • style_url (Optional)
    URL to additional CSS for styling.
  • class (Optional)
    A custom CSS class for further styling control.

Example Configuration

    'config_orejim' => $orejimeConfig, // Orejime JavaScript configuration
    'config_tags'   => $config_tags,   // Custom script tags
    'style_url'     => '',             // Optional additional CSS
    'class'         => null,           // Optional custom CSS class
    'template'      => '@PartitechSonataExtra/Blocks/cookie_consent/default.html.twig',


To tailor the Cookie Consent Block to your needs, modify:

  1. Twig Template (@PartitechSonataExtra/Blocks/cookie_consent/default.html.twig)
    Add or remove UI elements, change text, and include additional styling.

  2. JavaScript Configuration (config_orejim)
    Adapt how cookies and services are categorized, define consent types, and localize strings.

  3. CSS Styles
    Apply your own stylesheet or override the default one via the style_url parameter or a custom class.

Integration with Orejime

The Cookie Consent Block leverages the Orejime library for managing user consent. Make sure you understand Orejime’s configuration and usage to maximize this block’s capabilities.

Translation and Localization

The block supports multiple languages to ensure GDPR compliance across different locales. Update your config_orejim settings to include translations or localized text, matching user expectations in each region.