
Media Library for CKEditor

Enhance CKEditor with a media library directly within your Sonata project. This guide outlines the steps to install a compatible CKEditor version and configure it to browse media from Sonata’s media library.


To ensure CKEditor functions properly, you must install a valid version and configure it to interact with the Sonata media library. By linking CKEditor’s file browser routes to the Sonata Extra media library routes, you can seamlessly insert and manage media within your content.


Addressing the "Invalid LTS License Key" Error

If you see an error like:

[CKEDITOR] For more information about this error go to

Install CKEditor 4.19.0:

bin/console ckeditor:install --tag=4.19.0
bin/console asset:install

Configuration for Media Library

To integrate the media library into CKEditor, configure the filebrowserBrowseRoute and filebrowserImageBrowseRoute to use the sonata_extra_ckeditor_media_browser route.

Below is an example fos_ck_editor configuration:

  default_config: default
  base_path: "build/ckeditor"
  js_path:   "build/ckeditor/ckeditor.js"
      language: fr
      # default toolbar plus Format button
        - [Bold, Italic, Underline, -, Cut, Copy, Paste,
           PasteText, PasteFromWord, -, Undo, Redo, -,
           NumberedList, BulletedList, -, Outdent, Indent, -,
           Blockquote, -, Image, Link, Unlink, Table]
        - [Format, Maximize, Source]

      enterMode: CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR
      filebrowserBrowseRoute: sonata_extra_ckeditor_media_browser
      filebrowserImageBrowseRoute: sonata_extra_ckeditor_media_browser


By installing the correct CKEditor version and pointing the file browser routes to sonata_extra_ckeditor_media_browser, you can easily access Sonata’s media library from CKEditor. This configuration streamlines content creation, letting users insert and manage images, documents, and other media directly in the editor.