
Translation API Feature Documentation

The Sonata Extra Bundle provides a powerful feature for automatic translation via its Translation API. You can integrate AI-powered translation providers (like OpenAI) to enable seamless text translation across multiple languages.

Understanding the Translation API

The Translation API harnesses AI-powered translation services to automatically translate text between languages. You can configure different translation providers, each with its own methods and settings, to suit your application's needs.


Below is a snapshot of the default configuration for the Translation API in the Sonata Extra Bundle:

translate_on_create_page: true
translate_on_create_translation: true
seo_proposal_on_article: true
default_provider: open_ai
translation_provider: open_ai
seo_provider: open_ai
class: Partitech\SonataExtra\Translation\Provider\OpenAiProvider
api_key: 'sk-your-api-Key'
model: 'gpt-3.5-turbo'
max_token_per_request: 200

Key Parameters:

  • translate_on_create_page: If true, automatically translates newly created pages.
  • translate_on_create_translation: If true, automatically translates new entity translations.
  • seo_proposal_on_article: If true, proposes SEO-friendly text (using the same translation provider).
  • default_provider: The default provider to use if none is specified. Set to null to disable the Translation API.
  • providers: A list of translation providers, each with its own configuration.
  • translation_provider: Specific provider used for translation tasks (e.g., OpenAI).
  • seo_provider: Specific provider used for SEO tasks (can be the same as translation_provider or different).

Example .env usage:

api_key: '%open_ai_api_key%'
model: '%open_ai_api_model%'

OpenAI Provider Configuration

The default provider is OpenAI, which uses GPT-based models:

  • class: Points to the provider class (OpenAiProvider).
  • api_key: Your OpenAI key.
  • model: The GPT model (e.g., gpt-3.5-turbo).
  • max_token_per_request: Maximum token limit for a single request.

Adding a New Provider

To integrate another translation provider:

1. Create a Provider Class

Implement the TranslationProviderInterface and define methods for text and array translations:

namespace App\Translation\Provider;

use Partitech\SonataExtra\Translation\Provider\TranslationProviderInterface;

class YourProvider implements TranslationProviderInterface
private $config;

    public function setConfig($config)
        $this->config = $config;

    public function translate(string $text, string $targetLanguage): string
        // Your translation logic
        return $translatedString;

    public function translateArray(array $arrayOfText, string $targetLanguage): array
        // Translate multiple strings
        // Example structure:
        // $translated_array[$key] = [
        //     'original' => 'original text',
        //     'translated' => 'translated text',
        // ];
        return $translated_array;

2. Update the Configuration

Add your new provider to the providers list in YAML:

class: App\SmartService\Provider\YourProvider
# Other provider-specific configs

Usage Example

You can call the translator from any part of your application, such as a custom controller:

namespace App\Controller;

use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Annotation\Route;
use Symfony\Contracts\Service\Attribute\Required;
use Partitech\SonataExtra\SmartService\SmartServiceProviderFactoryInterface;

class TranslationController extends AbstractController
    private SmartServiceProviderFactoryInterface $smartServiceProviderFactory;

    public function autowireDependencies(
        SmartServiceProviderFactoryInterface $smartServiceProviderFactory
    ): void {
        $this->smartServiceProviderFactory = $smartServiceProviderFactory;

     * @Route("/test/translate", name="translate")
    public function translate(Request $request): Response
        // Force the provider (e.g., 'open_ai')
        $translationProvider = $this->smartServiceProviderFactory->create('open_ai');

        // Or use the default one from config
        // $translationProvider = $this->smartServiceProviderFactory->create();

        $text = 'Il fera beau demain';
        $targetLanguage = 'de';

        $translatedText = $translationProvider->translate($text, $targetLanguage);

        return $this->render('translation/translate.html.twig', [
            'original_text' => $text,
            'translated_text' => $translatedText,

In this example:

  • The user enters some text and a target language.
  • The controller calls translate() on the chosen provider, returning the translated string.
  • The TranslationProviderInterface can handle both single-string and multi-string translations.


The Translation API in the Sonata Extra Bundle simplifies integration with AI-based translation services. By leveraging the default OpenAI provider or creating your own, you can deliver real-time translations and even SEO suggestions directly within your Sonata-based application.