
Using the creation and import of translations command.

PartitechSonataExtraBundle provides a convenient way to manage translations in Sonata Admin. This bundle includes two primary commands: sonata:extra:translation-create-template and sonata:extra:translation-import-template. These commands facilitate the creation and import of translations, optimizing the process and integrating with Chat GPT for efficient translation handling.

Create template



This command prepares your content for translation. It creates a directory structure with files containing the text to be translated.


bin/console sonata:extra:translation-create-template --site=[SITE_ID] --reference-site=[REFERENCE_SITE_ID] --service="[ADMIN_SERVICE]"
  • --site: The site ID for which translations are to be created.
  • --reference-site: The reference site ID.
  • --service: The admin service for which translations are needed.


The command generates a set of directories and files under var/cache/translation/YourService/. For each item ID, you'll find files like:

  • payloadArray.txt: Contains sentences for translation.
  • payloadArray_translated.json: For storing the translated content.
  • Other files for handling structured content like HTML.

Import template



This command imports the translated content back into your database, reconstructing the HTML structure.


After translating the content, run:

bin/console sonata:extra:translation-import-template --service="[ADMIN_SERVICE]"

Process Overview

  1. Deactivate Automatic Translation: First, ensure that automatic translation is turned off.
  2. Create Translation Template: Use the sonata:extra:translation-create-template command to generate translation files.
  3. Translate Content: Submit the content in payloadArray.txt to the Chat GPT interface or a professional translator. Fill the translated content into payloadArray_translated.json.
  4. Handle Structured Content: For HTML fields, use the field_content_payload.txt for translation and update field_content_translation.txt accordingly.
  5. Import Translations: Run the sonata:extra:translation-import-template command to update your content with the new translations.


# Creating translation templates
bin/console sonata:extra:translation-create-template --site=5 --reference-site=2 --service="Partitech\SonataExtra\Admin\ArticleAdmin"

# Importing translated content
bin/console sonata:extra:translation-import-template --service="Partitech\SonataExtra\Admin\ArticleAdmin"

Handling Structured Content Like HTML

When dealing with translations for text fields containing structured content (e.g., HTML), the PartitechSonataExtraBundle provides a sophisticated method to ensure that the structure and formatting are preserved. This is especially important for content that includes HTML tags, code snippets, images, and other embedded media.

Understanding the File Structure

The command sonata:extra:translation-create-template generates several files to assist with this process:

  1. field_content_code_blocks.json: This file contains 'code blocks' or sections of the HTML content that should not be translated. These could be actual code snippets, embedded media, or other non-text elements within your HTML content.
  2. field_content_payload.txt: This file includes the text from your HTML content that requires translation. Before creating this file, the bundle extracts non-translatable elements (like those in field_content_code_blocks.json) and replaces them with placeholders. This extraction ensures that only the necessary text is translated, optimizing both the translation quality and cost.
  3. field_content_translation.txt: After translating the content in field_content_payload.txt, the translated text should be placed in this file.

The Translation Process

Here’s a detailed look at how the translation process works for structured content:

  1. Extract Non-Translatable Elements: The bundle identifies and extracts parts of the HTML content that don't need translation (e.g., code blocks, images) and stores them in field_content_code_blocks.json. These elements are replaced with placeholders in the HTML text.
  2. Translate Text Content: The translatable text, now free of non-text elements, is placed in field_content_payload.txt. This text should be submitted for translation.
  3. Reinsert Translated Text: Once translated, the new text is inserted into field_content_translation.txt.
  4. Reconstruct HTML Content: During the import process (sonata:extra:translation-import-template), the bundle reassembles the HTML content. It combines the translated text from field_content_translation.txt with the non-translatable elements from field_content_code_blocks.json, replacing the placeholders with their original content.


This functionality simplifies the translation process in Sonata Admin, integrating seamlessly with external translation tools and ensuring efficient content management.