
Translate Content Command Documentation

Command Name



This command is part of the Sonata Extra Bundle, aimed at facilitating the translation of content for entities across different locales in a multisite setup.


bin/console sonata:extra:translate-content --site=<site_ids> --reference-site=<reference_site_id> --service=<service_admin_name>


  • --help, -h: Displays help message.
  • --site: Specifies the site ID(s) for which to translate content. This is a required option.
  • --reference-site: Specifies the reference site ID used as the source for translations. This is a required option.
  • --service: Service Name of the admin to be translated. This is a required option. (use bin/console sonata:admin:list to get a full list of your availlable admin services)


  • Translates the content of the specified entity to different locales based on the site IDs provided.
  • Uses a reference site as the source for translations.
bin/console sonata:extra:translate-content --site=1,2,3 --reference-site=1 --fqcn=Partitech\SonataExtra\Entity\Article

Key Features

  • Supports multisite translation.
  • Provides a progress bar to monitor the status of translation.
  • Includes comprehensive error handling for missing or incorrect options.


  • Ensure the appropriate entities and admin classes are set up with multilanguage support.
  • Run the necessary Sonata Page commands (sonata:page:create-site, etc.) to configure sites.

Additional Information

  • The command includes a progress bar and status updates to inform the user about the ongoing translation process.
  • It validates the existence of specified sites, reference sites, and entities to ensure a smooth translation process.
  • Error messages and usage instructions are displayed in case of incorrect or missing options.


  • EntityManagerInterface for database interactions.
  • ParameterBagInterface for handling parameter configurations.
  • TranslateObjectService for executing the translation logic.
  • Pool for Sonata admin pool services.